On May 11th and May 12th, 2023, the partners from the UPLIFT project gathered one more time in Copenhagen, Denmark to discuss the last results as well as to establish new actions and steps for the next semester.
The meeting was organised by our entity coordinator, the University of Aalborg. There, the partners had the opportunity to review the different work packages of the initiative. On the first day, the meeting started with our project coordinator, Cristiano Varrone welcoming the session and giving an overview of the current status of the project.
Before giving the floor to the technical partners, Sustainable Innovations presented their results in the framework of communication and dissemination. Later, ACIB presented the status of the depolymerization of plastics followed by the University College of Dublin where they presented the status of fermentation of building blocks. Finally, DTU presented the progress regarding chemo-enzymatic polymer synthesis as well as the work plan for the sustainability assessment. The first day concluded with Bio-Mi presenting the actions for the Scale-Up and manufacturing.
The second day was dedicated to having several technical group meetings where the partners could evaluate possible risks and how to avoid them as well as to discuss the work performed by AIMPLAS in the field of plastic value chain analysis.
The meeting was a great opportunity to engage with all the partners in order to achieve the goals of the project and to make a significant contribution to upcycle plastic packaging waste and integrating bio-based building blocks, instead of using virgin fossil-based monomers, hence resulting in the conservation of natural resources, reduction of plastic packaging waste generation and also the greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil-based production.